1. The students have to reach the school 5 minutes before the first bell at 7.25 am (1st shift) and 11.30 am (2nd shift) in Byron Bazar school and at 7.25 am (1st shift) and 11.30 am (2nd shift) in Shailendra nagar school.
  2. Every student should carry his / her school diary to school every day.
  3. One should make oneself acquainted with the rules and obey them.
  4. The students have to wear the Identity card compulsorily everyday.
  5. The students have to speak only in English in the school premises.
  6. Violation of this may lead to disciplinary action.
  7. The students should maintain the discipline and observe good manners.
  8. The criticism of the teacher or the school should be scrupulously avoided.
  9. Care must be taken of all school property and no one should scratch or spoil desks, benches, chairs or damage any school furniture. Pupils should avoid defacing the walls or floor of the school by writing or drawing anything on them. Bits of paper or other waste material must be deposited in the waste paper basket.
  10. Every student should take proper care of the school property. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher/principal. The damage done will be made good by the concerned student together with a charge imposed for the offence.
  11. Costly & fancy things are not allowed in the school.
  12. Every student should take care of the private property. Money should not be lent or borrowed. The school is not responsible for the goods or money lost.
    Students suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to continue classes until he/she recovers from it. (Example : mumps, measles, chickenpox etc.).
  13. Students should actively take part in the various activities of the school.
  14. The warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done in silence. Changing of classrooms during periods should be done in silence and in orderly manner.
  15. The students should be neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days. No relaxation is acceptable in this regard. The student will be checked at the gate, during the assembly or at any time during their stay in the school by the teachers.
  16. Shouting, whistling in the school is strictly prohibited.
  17. The student is strictly prohibited to get involved in politics. The student who keeps contact with the political leaders to tarnish the image of the school will be expelled from the school.
  18. The students will not be permitted to leave the school during the school hours. Half day will be granted only if the parents come to take the students in case of sickness.
  19. The school reserves the right to terminate the schooling of the students for unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is a bad precept for others.
  20. Absence without sanctioned leave will lead to disciplinary measure.
  21. Every student is expected to give 90% of the attendance in the year to make him / her eligible to appear for the final examination. If a student fails to give 75% of attendance, disciplinary measures will be taken against the student.
  22. Even if the students are admitted later during the term, fees for the whole academic session will be charged.
  23. The ward of those parents who avoid meeting the authorities when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the class.
  24. The students who habitually keep indulging in cheating, theft, misbehaviour or misconduct, despite repeated warning and constant efforts by the staff to improve their behaviour, will be expelled even at the time of Final Examination. These types of cases will be handled by the Disciplinary Committee, appointed by the Principal. Even out side the school premises, any behaviour objectionable to the tone of the school is sufficient reason for disciplinary action.
  25. No student shall indulge in rowdism or rude behaviour, bursting of crackers, using foul language etc. The student will face disciplinary action from the school.
  26. No collection of money for any purpose whatsoever is to be made, and no meeting, demonstration or party to be held without the previous sanction ofthe Principal.
  27. Special care must be taken by pupils and teachers to maintain an atmosphere of silence and serious work during class hours. Silence is to be maintained in the classroom and in the corridors by all.
  28. It may be noted that children will not be sent home in an emergency with any one who might come for them during school hours, without a written request from the parent or guardian.
  29. The school authorities will not be responsible for anything happening to a student before school hours or after school hours and outside the school premises.
  30. The students will be reshuffled at the beginning of the academic year and given a new section.
  31. If the diary is lost, a new diary will be issued on the payment of Rs. 100/-


  1. Parents are expected to show complete faith on school and its system, especially in front of their wards, so that the child does not lose his/her faith and respect in teachers, school and the system. This is essential for building a strong relationship between the child and the school.
  2. Parents must not interfere in any matter or school policies. Rather bring the problem or complain to the knowledge of the competent authority for its solution. 
  3. Parents bringing media in the school shall not be encouraged or entertained by the school. Rather it would be taken seriously against the same.
  4. The criticism of the teachers or the school or use of foul language should be strictly avoided by the parents.
  5. Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom to see/meet their children or teachers during regular teaching periods.
  6. In case of sickness or injury, if the student is taken to the doctor for emergency treatment, the parents will have to bear the expenses.
  7. The parents/guardians must take this matter with seriousness and see that their child/ward comes to school on time and leaves the school the soonest.
  8. The Parents have to pay service charges for the T.C. and other documents they request from the school. They need to pay the charges as they submit the application at the counter.
  9. Parents Teachers Meeting (PTM) must be attended compulsorily by both parents and students. Students must come in school uniform and carry his/her student’s manual (diary) compulsorily.
  10. A bond is to be signed by the parents requesting for one last chance when the student commits a grave mistake. Committing of such mistakes again will result in issuance of T.C.
  11. The school management has the right to decide on what condition they will admit or retain the pupils in the school, in conformity with the instructions issued by the Education deptt.


  • For Nursery

Boys : Red shirt and red & white check half pant. Girls : Red shirt and red & white check frock. Black shoes and red socks with white stripes. Winter : Red Pullovers.

  • For Pre-Primary (PP-I & PP-II)

Boys : Half sleeved red & white check shirts, black shorts, red bows, red socks and brown belts. Girls : Half sleeved white blouse, red and white check pinafores, red bows and red socks. Winter : Red Pullovers.

  • For classes I to V

Regular days : Boys : Half sleeved beige shirts, brown pants and brown belts. Girls : Half sleeved beige blouse, brown pinafores and short hair with two ponytails/brown hair band or long hair with two plaits and dark brown ribbons. For both boys and girls: Brown ties (colour of pants/pinafores), brown socks and black shoes. Winter : Brown Pullovers.

Saturdays : Boys : Half sleeved white shirts, white pants and brown belts. Girls : Half sleeved white blouse, white pinafores and short hair with two ponytails/white hair band or long hair with two plaits and white ribbons. For both boys and girls: Brown ties, white socks and white synthetic shoes. Winter : Brown Pullovers.

  • For classes VI to XII

Regular days : Boys : Full sleeved beige shirts, brown full pants and brown belts. Girls : Full sleeved beige blouse, brown pinafores and short hair with two ponytails/brown hair band or long hair with two plaits and dark brown ribbons. For both boys and girls: Brown ties (colour of pants/pinafores), brown socks and black shoes. Winter : Brown Pullovers

Saturdays : Boys : Full sleeved white shirts, white full pants and brown belts. Girls : Full sleeved white blouse, white pinafores and short hair with two ponytails/white hair band or long hair with two plaits and white ribbons. For both boys and girls: Brown ties (colour of pants/pinafores), white socks and white synthetic shoes. Winter : Brown Pullovers.


  • Nursery English, Mathematics, Rhymes, Drawing & Craft, G.K. and Games.
  • PP I & PP II English, Hindi, Mathematics, Moral Science, Rhymes, Drawing, Craft and G.K.
  • Classes I & II English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, G.K., Computer, Drawing & Craft, Games, Moral Science and Rhymes.
  • Classes III to V English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Sci., G.K., Computer, Drawing & Craft, Games, Moral Science, Music and Cubs & Bulbuls. 
  • Classes VI to VIII English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Information Technology, G.K., Moral Science, Music, N.C.C., Scout & Guides and Games. 
  • Class IX & X English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Computer Applications and Games.
  • Classes XI & XII English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Sociology, History and Physical Education/Informatics Practices.
  • Combination of the Subjects in class XI
  • For Mathematics Group Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Hindi and IP/PE.
  • For Biology Group Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English, Hindi and IP/PE.
  • For Commerce Group Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, English, Hindi & IP/PE.
  • For Humanities Group English, Sociology, History, Economics, Hindi and IP/PE.


Promotion to next higher class is strictly based on the day to day work of the student throughout the year and also on the performance in the examination according to the CBSE Assessment scheme which will be indicated in grades and marks. 

  1. Student securing qualifying grades (D and above) in all the subjects will be promoted to the next higher class. 
  2. In practical subject the student has to pass in theory as well as in the practical examination separately. 
  3. A student who is not able to get qualifying grades ( D & above in middle) in main subjects, needs to appear for Grade Improvement Examination. If student is not able to qualify, he/she has to repeat the class. If next year also he/she is not able to qualify, he/she shall not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school. 
  4. In class IX, a student who is not able to get qualifying grades ( D & above) in main subjects, he/she has to repeat the class. If next year also he/she is not able to qualify, he/she shall not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school. 
  5. The student remaining absent for Periodic Test and Term Examination may will be considered as failed. In case of illness a doctor’s certificate must be produced for the consideration ofthe matter. 
  6. Periodic Test and Term Examination will be neither pre-poned nor post-poned for any reason. 
  7. No special examination will be held for any reason whatsoever either before or after the date fixed for the examination. 
  8. A student adopting unfair means during examination will be disqualified and liable for disciplinary action from the school. 
  9. Students are expected to give 100% attendance. Minimum seventy five percent of attendance is must for promotion to the next higher class. 
  10. Allocation of subject stream i.e. Mathematics, Biology, Commerce and Humanities with computer (Informatics Practices ) / Physical Education / NCC in class XI will be based on entire academic year’s performance and Entrance Test.
  11.  Subject opted in class XI shall not be changed under any circumstances in class XI I. 
  12. All cases of doubt regarding promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the Principal. His decision shall be final.


Leave will be granted only for serious illness, death of near and dear ones, natural calamity, marriage of real brother/sister or any other convincing reason.

  1.  No leave will be entertained during Periodic Tests and Term Examinations except in case of serious illness of the student or death of dear ones.
  2.  Those who remain absent on the previous day must bring a note in the designated Leave Record page in the School Diary for being absent duly signed by authorized signatory.
  3.  A pupil who is found to be habitually absent without any bonafide reason or any explanation from parents or guardians will face disciplinary action.
  4.  Disciplinary action will be taken if a student remains absent continuously for a period of seven days or more without any information or permission and he/she may be required to fill a bond.
  5.  A student must not leave the school during the working hours without Gate-Pass.
  6.  Short leave will not be granted on any ground.
  7.  If the child remains absent for five consequent days, parent must accompany the child and meet the Principal to continue his/her studies.
  8.  Absence during the term is not in the best interest of the student. They are asked not to apply for leave, if avoidable.


The Librarian can issue only one book at a time to the students (two books for class XII). 

  1. Without Library Card no books will be issued to the students. 
  2. The Library card is not transferable. In loss of this card a duplicate will be issued on payment of Rs. 30/- after checking the record. 
  3. The students should not allow others to issue books from their library card. In case of lost or damaged books, the card holder will be responsible. He/She has to replace the book or pay double the cost of the current price. 
  4. The students will be issued /returning library books only in the library period. 
  5. They are not allowed to take pen, pencil and other writing materials and personal books and copies in the library. 
  6. Please check the pages of the book before issuing. Students should neither write anything nor tear the pages of the library books. If pages are torn, the borrowers will be responsible for the damage and shall be required to replace the book or pay double the cost of the current price, unless they have informed before borrowing the same. 
  7. They should not take away the library books without entry in the Register. 
  8. The library books will be issued for 14 days and the students have to return on the day mentioned and failing to do so they will be charged Rs.3/- per day as a fine. 
  9. The Librarian may ask to submit a book at any time in case of emergency.
  10. After taking clearance from the Librarian no books will be issued to the students. 
  11. Students are not allowed to re-issue the same book. 
  12. Students must carry their Library card and School Diary to the library every time. 
  13. In violation of rules, the students will be debarred from the library facilities.

NOTE: The teachers are allowed to issue books pertaining to their subjects of teaching only.


  1. The bus will halt only at the stops allotted to a particular bus route by the authorities and no changes in stops will be considered once fixed by the School. 
  2. Students not in time for the bus will have to make their own arrangements on that day to come to school. The same holds good in case of breakdown. 
  3. In case students do not report themselves at home in time, school or bus authorities will not be responsible for the same. We will be responsible only for the students during their journey in the bus. 
  4. Students should take care of their belongings, such as school bag, water bottle, rain coat, umbrella and sweater, as the bus authorities will not be responsible for the loss or damage. 
  5. The parents will not be allowed to travel by the school bus, it is strictly for the school students in uniforms. 
  6. The bus service must be hired for full academic year i.e. April to March. No cancellations will be allowed under any circumstances during the academic year. 
  7. Once the bus timing is fixed according to the timing of the school, it can not be changed. If the bus timing becomes inconvenient for the parents, they may withdraw the same by July 15th. After that no fee will be refunded. 
  8. The bus fee is subject to increase if there is a hike in taxes, price of spare and hardwares, diesel, contractor charges, maintenance charges and staff salaries. 
  9. Parents are requested not to hand over the fee to drivers or conductors, if they do so authorities will not be responsible for the same. 
  10. Parents are requested to submit photocopy of bus-card (receipt) to the bus driver. 
  11. Bus Fee can be paid in one time payment or two installments. A late fee will be charged per month after the due date of each installment. 
  12. Full payment has to be made even if one stops bus service in between the session. 
  13. The students availing bus facility should intimate or take prior permission from school if they have to go walking. The school authorities will not be responsible for bus students going walking without prior intimation or permission. 
  14. Students will be responsible for any damage: window glass panes, seats etc. of the bus and the damage will be recovered from the parents of the concerned students.


  1. Transfer certificate is issued only when all the dues of the school are settled.
  2. If application of withdrawal is given after 15th July then the fees of whole session will be charged including annual charge.
  3. Annual charges will not be refunded in any case. 
  4. Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds: (i) Lack of Discipline (ii) Lack of expected performance in studies.